

How to Workout and Lose Weight

  1. Step 1

    Create a plan

    The first step is to create a plan. Without a plan you won't be able to track your progress and stay motivated. Using the steps below, develop a plan and record each workout.

  2. Step 2


    What you eat will determine how you look at feel. Diet plans and programs (see the resource section below) help you determine what you should eat to lose weight and get in shape. Diet is half the battle.

  3. Step 3


    Running is the best workout to lose weight. It's free and you can do it from anywhere. Running will improve your health and help you to lose weight.

  4. Step 4

    Join a Gym

    Having a place to go to workout can make a big difference. It creates separation between your normal routine and your workouts. Joining a gym gives you a ton of options to keep variety in your workout.

  5. Step 5

    Get a Personal Trainer

    Personal trainers keep you motivated and develop a plan for you to workout and lose weight.

